Jacob & Hefner Associates, Inc. (JHA) performed a Phase II for inclusion in a Feasibility Study for a planned natatorium
at Oak Park/River Forest High School for Legat Architects. The work included a shallow soil assessment of soil
conditions in the existing football and baseball fields and other areas around the perimeter of the school. The project
contained three objectives as follows: 1) to evaluate and document the stratigraphy (geotechnical) and current
environmental conditions at the site, 2) to characterize the soils for re‐use or future off‐site disposal as Clean
Construction and Demolition Debris (CCDD), and 3) to determine if past usage of the Site had impacted the site soils
particularly in the area of the athletic fields. JHA created a Health and Safety Plan (HASP) and utilized two drill rigs to
perform the geotechnical and environmental borings. Soil samples were obtained for both geotechnical and
environmental laboratory analysis. Environmental constituents of concern included: Volatile Organic Compounds
(VOCs), Semi‐volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Metals based on historical
usage of the site prior to the high school being erected on site. Environmental soil samples were compared to the Illinois
EPA TACO Tier I SROs. JHA prepared a Feasibility Study for the Client outlining where geotechnically unsuitable soils
and environmentally impacted soils were encountered so a suitable location for the natatorium could be situated
while limiting potential liabilities.