JHA provides OMM of the integrated treatment system components housed within a dedicated 10,000 square foot building. Soil and groundwater in the vicinity of the former aerospace facility is impacted with VOCs and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), primarily consisting of trichloroethene (TCE), tetrachloroethene (PCE), methylene chloride (MeCl), vinyl chloride (VC), and 1,4-dioxane. The Building 10 integrated remediation system has been designed to incorporate both SVE and GETS which support attainment of the soil and groundwater Remedial Objectives established in the Remediation Plan and to meet the discharge criteria established in the site-specific LARWQCB, Los Angeles County Sanitation District (LACSD), and South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) permits.

The integrated treatment system consists of an off-site SVE system (31 wells; VFD Blower, Heat Exchanger VPGAC), an on-site SVE system (32 wells; regenerative thermal oxidation (RTO) and dry scrubber), a dual-phase extraction (DPE) system (17 wells; 1,000 scfm positive displacement blower), an on-site vapor treatment system (RTO, air stripper, dry lime scrubber), an onsite groundwater treatment system (Advance Oxidation System AOS) and a groundwater extraction system (GETS 22 wells; LGAC, sanitary sewer discharge). A large pipeline network extends from the treatment facility to numerous dual screen vapor extraction wells, groundwater extraction wells, dual-phase extraction wells and injection wells throughout the site vicinity.

The integrated treatment system is designed to operate 24-hours a day 365 days per year. JHA performs OMM at the site five days a week, twelve months a year and monitors the site systems continuously via the PLCs. OMM consists of daily inspections; weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual data collection; monthly, quarterly and annual sampling events; well field inspections and routine system maintenance. OMM also includes as-needed services, such as verifying and optimizing PLCs SCADA operation performance; repairing/troubleshooting any issues that may occur during the operation of the system; changing bag filters; well, pump, and vault maintenance; carbon change outs; and start-up and shakedown of new system components during system expansion.