DPT Drilling
JHA Remediation (JREM) owns multiple Direct Push Sampling Rigs and is fully prepared to support you in your site characterization and remediation projects. JREM rigs offer a reasonable alternative to other drilling methods. Our rigs are hydraulically-driven direct push boring and sampling systems.
Direct push technology, often referred to as DPT, uses the static weight of the rig combined with a hydraulic hammer to advance tooling or instrumentation through the subsurface. Unlike rotary, the drill cuttings are not removed from the borehole, thus minimizing, and in most cases, eliminating the cost of soil disposal. The speed and depth of penetration is largely dependent on the soil type, the size of the sampler, and the weight and power of the rig.
These systems can be used to perform subsurface soil, water or soil gas surveys. They are capable of obtaining soil and groundwater samples, installing standard and pre-packed monitoring wells and multi-nested soil gas wells. They can drill and set piezometers, inclinometers, and soil gas points; and support direct imaging and injection of a variety of remediation compounds.
When applicable, this method allows for the collection of high-quality samples in less time and at lower cost.
Direct Push Technology Benefits
Small Footprint
Waste Minimization
Multi-Media Sampling
Soil Sampling
SMALL FOOTPRINT Direct push is ideal for smaller sites because it requires less space for operation and drills smaller holes.
PRODUCTIVITY In the right soil type, direct push can quickly produce a large number of high-quality samples, generally up to 200 feet per day.
WASTE MINIMIZATION Direct push produces minimal investigation derived waste (IDW) because it does not require the continuous removal of drill cuttings to clear the hole, or additional fluids for cooling and lubrication.
MULTI-MEDIA SAMPLING At times the project site requires analysis of multiple medias. DPT allows you to continuously core for lithology and soil sample collection; groundwater sample collection, as well as, the installation of soil gas probes in a single boring.
Wide range of projectsRemediation Services
- Feasibility Studies, Site Investigation and Site Selection
- Contract Administration/Construction Administration
- Infrastructure Master Planning
- Review and Coordination of Annexation Agreements
- Concept Design
- Preliminary Design & Platting
- Final Engineering Design Plans and Specifications
- Pavement Management
- Opinion of Probable Construction Costs
- Bidding and Contract Negotiations
- Construction Observation
- Record Drawings
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic Studies
- Roadway/Highway Improvement Plans
- Location Drainage Studies
- Floodplain Studies
- Erosion Control Inspections
- Overall Project Management