Our work is focused on assisting our clients by performing the planning, management, and field implementation of assessment, remediation, and monitoring projects.
Our projects typically involve large, complex sites with chlorinated solvent, heavy metal, and/or petroleum product contamination.
Our staff consists primarily of highly experienced engineers, geologists, remediation managers, field technicians, and construction personnel.
We are a California Contractor (License No. 885017 A Haz)
We have a comprehensive insurance portfolio with coverage limits that meet the needs of our largest and most conservative clients
Environmental Services
Environmental Health & Safety Services
- Asbestos Consulting Services
- Lead-Based Paint Consulting Services
- Indoor Air Quality Surveys
- Environmental Compliance Training
- OSHA Air Monitoring Services
Remediation Implementation
- Bioremediation
- Vapor Intrusion Mitigation
- Permitting
- Extraction and Injection Well Installation
- Construction Oversight
- Equipment Installation and Startup
- Fabrication
- Pump and Control Installation
- SCADA, PLC, Electronics Programming and Installation
- As-Built Plans
- Excavation
- Injection and Recirculation Programs
- Thermal Remediation
- Chlorinated Solvents
- Hexavalent Chromium
- Heavy Metals
- Petroleum Products
- Operation and Maintenance
Operation and Maintenance
- Operation and Maintenance Manuals
- Equipment Diagnostics, Maintenance, Modifications, and Repair
- Electronics, SCADA, PLC Diagnostics, Modification, and Repair
- Multi-System Programs
- Data and GIS Management Compliance Monitoring and Sampling
- Wellhead, Pumps, Piping, Refurbishment, Modification, and Repair
- Compliance and Status Reporting
- Evaluation/Optimization
- Site Management
- System Decommissioning
Injection Programs
- Chemical Oxidation
- Bioremediation
- Enhanced Reductive De-chlorination
- Hexavalent Chrome Reduction
- Injection & Recirculation
System Installation and Construction
- Concrete/asphalt cutting and removal
- Excavation and trenching
- Sub-surface piping and utility installation
- Concrete footings and pads
- Chain-link, block, vinyl, and other enclosures
- Above-grade system piping and manifolds
- Equipment installation and anchoring
- Asphalt and concrete resurfacing
- Well box repair/replacement
- System decommissioning
- Equipment relocation/mobilization
Remediation Feasibility Studies, Pilot/Treatability Testing, and Remediation System Design
- Aquifer/Well Testing
- Soil Vapor Extraction
- Dual and Two Phase Extraction
- Product Recovery
- Bioremediation
- In-Situ Chemical Oxidation
- Dig and Haul
- Pump and Treat
- Air Sparging
- Monitored Natural Attenuation
- Air and Water Treatment Technology Evaluation
Environmental Investigation and Assessment
- Soil, Soil Vapor, and Groundwater Sampling
- Geologic Mapping
- Soil and Rock Logging
- Soil Vapor Probe Installation
- Groundwater Well Installation
- Air Monitoring
- QA/QC Programs
- Data Management and GIS
- Phase I and II ESAs
Groundwater Monitoring
- Monitoring Well Installation
- Well Development and Sterilization
- Multi-Volume Purge
- Low-Flow Purge and Sample
- Dedicated Sample Pump Installation and Maintenance
- Field Monitoring Equipment Maintenance and Repair
- Wellhead Maintenance
- Waste Management
- Permit Compliance
- QA/QC and Lab Management
- Data and GIS Management
- Data Evaluation and Plotting/Mapping
- Reporting
Environmental Modeling
- Groundwater flow and contaminant fate and transport
- Oil spill, risk, and prevention modeling
- NAPL flow and transport modeling, and recovery performance analysis
- Environmental risk and radiation modeling
- Air dispersion modeling
Environmental Litigation Support
- Forensic analysis of environmental impacts
- Natural resource damage assessment
- NAPL flow and transport modeling, and recovery performance analysis
- Creating and reviewing environmental fate and transport, and spill and risk models
- Developing allocation of environmental liabilities
Stormwater Monitoring and BMPs
- Autosampling System Design and Installation
- Autosampler Programming
- Rain Event Response
- Permit Compliance
- Implementation of BMPs
Electronics and Automated Controls
- PLC/HMI/SCADA Installation, Programming, Testing, Troubleshooting, and Repair
- Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Certified Programmer
- Equipment (Flow Meters, Pressure Sensors, Transducers) Programming and Calibration
- System Alarm and Call Out Installation, Testing, and Troubleshooting
- Video Monitoring and Archival Systems
- VFD and Motor Installation, Tuning, and Troubleshooting
- Remote Access Configuration and Implementation
Methane, H2S, and VOC Vapor Abatement
- Active Facilities
- System Installation, Monitoring, and Modifications
Facility Decontamination and Decommissioning
- Permitting
- Waste Evaluation and Profiling
- Waste Containment and Disposal
- Wipe Sampling
- Reporting